Hannah Kipp is a dedicated and passionate registered social worker who has focused her career on supporting children and their families. With a robust academic background and extensive professional experience, Hannah’s commitment to her clients is evident in...
In the intricate realm of mental health professionals, Alicia Farr emerges as a guiding light, weaving compassion and expertise into her therapeutic practice. With a steadfast dedication to her clients’ well-being, Alicia’s journey into the field of...
As a psychotherapy treatment designed to reduce the distress caused by traumatic memories and address emotional and behavioural concerns, EMDR is the foundational therapeutic model utilized at Dr. Amanda Bell and Associates (DABA). All of our staff are trained EMDR...
Play therapy, specifically prescriptive play therapy, is a foundational approach used at Dr. Amanda Bell and Associates (DABA). Prescriptive play therapy is an integrative approach, which allows therapists to work with individual children to identify and address their...
In the realm of social work, Fergus Vaughan stands out as a seasoned professional whose journey has been shaped by empathy, resilience, and a profound commitment to serving others. With a career spanning over a decade, Fergus’s path to becoming a respected...
With an EMDR Canada membership, therapists also become EMDRIA members and have access to the Go With That Magazine. This magazine’s articles are written by leading EMDR clinicians, providing succinct, clinically informative EMDR guidance for working with a wide range...